12月14日(土) 松坂屋 名古屋店 南館 お花紙店 × cucuri コラボ企画 「絞り生地をあしらったしめ縄づくり」 12/11-17に開催する名古屋松坂屋オルガン広場でのpopupshop内にて 名古屋を中心にご活躍されているオーダメイドの花屋さん「お花紙店」...
May you feel familiar with shibori that has been a close part of the daily lives of Japanese people for hundres of years. Shibori is a traditional Japanese tie-dying art that goes back over 500 years to the beginning of the Edo period. With such thought, an apparel brand was born that is a collaboration between the original manufacturers and designers. Our forcus is on a heat setting technique that was innovated along with traditional shibori techiniques that expands the traditional ideas of design and adopts it into a modern life style.